Azumini Blue River
Azurnini Blue River is located in Abia State
towards its boundary with Akwa lbom State. The
River has become a resort for tourists because of
the pleasantness it offers. The attractive features
of the River include its crystal-clearblue water;
canoe rides; sandy beaches with such relaxation
facilities aschairs and tables. At the beach also,
BBQ grill are delicacies provided for picnickers.
The Long JuJu Shrine of Arochukwu
Arochukwu is a famous tourist destination with
the cave of the famous long juju oracle as a
particular attraction.
The cave is believed to hold the long metal pipe
through which the gods speak to the people. A
traditional religionist would find the oracle quite
an attraction. It is, first and foremost, a religious
centre with a well-laid down administrative
structure headed by a Chief Priest.
Yola Municipality
Yola is the capital of Adamawa State in the
North-Eastern part of the Country. The most
striking impression about
the town is its undulating topography of hill
chains particularly the three sister hills which are
so-called because they stand side by side and
share the same height. The cultural
manifestations of the town get to their climax
between the months of March and May when the
city celebrates its fishing festival at lake Njuwa..
Ibeno Beach
One of the numerous fine beaches in Nigeria is
the Ibeno Beach in Akwa lbom State. A lover of
water sport finds the Beach which stretches to
James town on the Atlantic most inviting.
Ogbunike Cave
Ogbunike Cave can be described as the very
wonder of nature. The Cave, segmented into
sections, is found in Anambra State, some few
kilometres away from the Onitsha market town.
There are different stories about the various
sections that constitute the cave. The stories are
better told by the native tour guides.
Rojenny Tourist Village
In Anambra State, just at the outskirts of Onitsha
market town is found Rojenny Village, one of the
leading tourist resorts in Nigeria. Among the
many attractions of the village are amusement
park, joy rides and sporting/relaxation facilities
African Artifactlgbo-Ukwu is an ancient town
which has remained an attraction to tourists
because of its bronze artifacts. The bronze which
was first noticed in 1938 was later excavated by
Thurstan Shaw, an English archaeologist.
The bronzes which date back to about the 9th
century are of high value because of their historic
Yankari National Park
Yankari National Park has become the most
developed Wildlife park in Nigeria with a lot of
attractions for visitors. The park is famous for its
variety of animals available for viewing round the
year, though the animals are better watched
between November and May period of the dry
season when the animals converge around the
Gaji River, Baboons, Waterbucks, Elephants,
Crocodiles, Bushbucks, Duikers, Warthogs,
Hippopotamus are among the anirnals commonly
seen at the park.
Wikki Warm Springs
Wikki Warm Springs is a famous attraction in the
Yankari National Park. It is particularly prized for
its warm water. It is available both night and day
for tourists who cherish swimming.
The National Park is located in the South-Eastern
area of Bauchi, the capital town of Bauchi State in
the North-Eastern part of Nigeria.
The Hills of Benue
Located in the middle belt region of Nigeria,
Benue State shares boundaries with Taraba State
on the East; Plateau State on the North and Edo
State on the West; and Anambra, Enugu, Cross
River States on the South. The entire landmass
presents hills of various shades and touristic
lkyogen Hills exude mild weather condition which
ensures steady green vegetation and a round-
the-year grazing of animals in the areas which is
also known as Ikyogen Cattle Ranch.
Ushogbo Hills in Ushogbo town also offers
clement weather condition that makes it most
fulfilling spot for tourists and adventures.
Bassa Hills, like the Ushogbo Hills, are worth
visiting especially for their satisfying scenery;
and Swern Hills are valued for their historical
linkages. The hills are believed to be the place for
origin of the Tiv people.
Lake Chad
LakeLake Chad occupies a strategic location
serving not only Borno State of Nigeria where it is
located but serving also the three neighbouring
countries of Niger, Cameroon, and Chad. The
lake, apart from serving the agricultural and
economic needs of the people, attracts a great
number of tourists. Of paramount interest to
tourists is the boating opportunity and visits to
the numerous fishing villages in the area.
Obudu Cattle Ranch
Obudu Cattle Ranch is located in Cross River
Slate towards the Nigeria-Cameroon border in
the South-East. The Ranch is over 1,524m, has
temperate weather condition to ensure green
vegetation and grazing of cattle round the year.
The Ranch is a tourist delight as a result of its
divergent attractions. There are a natural
swimming pool, horse riding, beautiful waterfall to
behold, gorilla camp, bird watching, sporting
facilities and accommodation.
Agbokim Waterfalls
Some short distance away from the Nigeria-
Cameroon border is the very captivating sight
called Agbokim Waterfalls. The Falls situated in
Cross River State lies less than 30km from Ikom
and is highly recommended for picnics. The falls
are pleasantly surrounded by green vegetation.
Sillicon Hill
Near the Nkpologu campus of the Enugu State
University of Science and Technology (ESUT) is
found this very important mineral deposit. The hill
which is more than 300 metres above sea level
and almost half a kilometre long has silica, an
important raw material fofthe manufacture of
glasses. The surrounding environment is very
captivating with hills, valleys and plaips
beautifully wrapped up such that one cannot
ignore it’s breath-taking views and awe-inspiring
Mbari Cultural Centres
The home of Mbari sculptural houses. These
sculptures are robust art manifestations of the
prevalent sociallifeand a monumental art
sacrifice to “ALA” the earth goodness. In Mbari,
Imo State there are very many objects like the
terrorising beast, the plastic forms of symbols of
the prevalent deities among which is the “ALA”
herself, the Amadioha (Thunder god), the
Ogwugwu (forest god) each deity with his or her
mystical messengers such as snakes, monkeys,
rams, tortoise and owl are properly represented.
A number of symbolic models were sculptured or
painted. These sculptures reflect the lgbo
aesthetics. The Mbari Cultural Centre is an open
air museum and found in Ikenegbu layout Owerri
and at Eke-Nguru in Aboh Mbaise.
Oguta Lake Holiday Complex
The holiday complex situates in Oguta local
government Area of Imo State about 40km (forty
kilometres) away from Owerri, the Capital of Imo
State. The lake is qf fresh water and the second
largest natural lake in thecountry after lake Chad.
To complement the complex water-based
recreation services, there are other interesting
attractions to watch.
These include:
(a) Golf Course with 18 standard international
(b) Relic of war (mini bunker) constructed by the
defunct Biafran Navy during Civic war.
(c) Natural confluence of Oguta Lake and Urashi
(d) Cruise boat services.
(e) Golf Club Bar House/Oguta Lake Motel for
refreshment, lodging and feeding.
(f) Mini-children recreation park
Birnin Kudu Rock Painting
Birnin Kudu town lies in the South of Jigawa
State. Birnin Kudu is noted for the presence of
rocks. Fascinating are the ancient paintings on
these rocks. The different paintings are eloquent
information on the styles of the early settlers in
the area.
NOK Village
A trip to the Nok Village in Kaduna State launches
visitors into physical romance with the so-much-
talked-about culture of the Nok people. The
cultures has been known for over 2,500 years.
The Nok culture is better appreciated appraising
the excavations made by the numerous scholars
and research.
Chief Nana’s Palace, Koko
Chief Nana Olomu was a powerful nineteenth
Century indigenousentrepreneur. As a reflection
of the grandeur of his achievements, he built this
mag nificent edifice at the turn of the
century.WaterfallIt houses his personal effects
and evidence of his contact with the Queen,
administrators andtradersof the British Empire.
Located at Koko in Warri -NorthLocal
GovernmentArea of Delta State, the Palace has
now become recognised and approved as
aNational Monument.
Bible She, Araya
A copy of the Holy Bible is believed to have
descended miraculously in Araya in Delta State
from heaven around August, 1914. The spot now
attracts Christian Pilgrims from all over the
country, especially during the Easter season.
Abraka River Resort, Abraka
Located in the quiet University Town of Abraka,
this Motel is ideal for those who want to escape
the noise and tension ofcity/urbanlife. Hence
guests can swim, boat, sport-fish\or simply bask
in the warm sun.on the exquisite sand-beach as
the glass- clear Ethiope River flows lazily by.
There are also lawntennis, squash rackets and
badminton courts as well as a children’s
Okonni Wildlife Sanctuary
The Okomu Wildlife Sanctuary, Benin City, Edo
State was the first in the country to be protected
by law for conservation in August 1985.old Kano
cityIt is jointly managed by the Edo State
Government and the Nigerian Conservation
Foundation, (NCF). The sanctuary contains rare
species like the white-throat- ed monkey. Also
present are the mona monkey, the putty nosed
quenon, the red-cangaby, chimpanzees,
elephants,bush-baby, the potto buffalo, red river
hog, duikers, horn bills, porcupines, etc.
TheOkomu Forest Reserve is the second largest
in the country after theOban Forests in Cross
River State.
Ososo Tourist Centre
Ososo town, on the boundary between Edo and
Kogi States, is hilly and rocky. It lies about 40
kilometres from Igarra and 200 kilometres from
Benin city in Edo State, The rocks and hills
present a beau tiful scenery. There is a non-
catering Rest House on top of a hill at Ososo,
which grants a wide view of parts of Kogi State to
as far as the Niger. From the Rest House can be
seen some distance away a crater take with
colourful fishes. An amusement park is being
developed as part of the resort which has tem-
perate weather for long periods in the year.
Ezeagu Tourist Complex
A half-hour drive from the burstling capital city of
Enugu State is the Ezeagu Tourist Complex. The
complex exhibits one of the natural wonders of
wonders of nature. Measuring about 22 hectares
in size, it comprises a lake, a cave and a
waterfall (spring water). Its splendour is
expressed by the almost 5 kilome tres long
Obinofia cave whose sheer size and
compartments is awe-striking.
The surrounding scape is a marriage of various
land forms with unique weather condition and
exo- tic vegetation. The cave has several tunnels
branching out in different directions. Some of the
tunnels are inter-connected, often opening up
into largechambers which are two to three high
and up to ten metres wide.
Azurnini Blue River is located in Abia State
towards its boundary with Akwa lbom State. The
River has become a resort for tourists because of
the pleasantness it offers. The attractive features
of the River include its crystal-clearblue water;
canoe rides; sandy beaches with such relaxation
facilities aschairs and tables. At the beach also,
BBQ grill are delicacies provided for picnickers.
The Long JuJu Shrine of Arochukwu
Arochukwu is a famous tourist destination with
the cave of the famous long juju oracle as a
particular attraction.
The cave is believed to hold the long metal pipe
through which the gods speak to the people. A
traditional religionist would find the oracle quite
an attraction. It is, first and foremost, a religious
centre with a well-laid down administrative
structure headed by a Chief Priest.
Yola Municipality
Yola is the capital of Adamawa State in the
North-Eastern part of the Country. The most
striking impression about
the town is its undulating topography of hill
chains particularly the three sister hills which are
so-called because they stand side by side and
share the same height. The cultural
manifestations of the town get to their climax
between the months of March and May when the
city celebrates its fishing festival at lake Njuwa..
Ibeno Beach
One of the numerous fine beaches in Nigeria is
the Ibeno Beach in Akwa lbom State. A lover of
water sport finds the Beach which stretches to
James town on the Atlantic most inviting.
Ogbunike Cave
Ogbunike Cave can be described as the very
wonder of nature. The Cave, segmented into
sections, is found in Anambra State, some few
kilometres away from the Onitsha market town.
There are different stories about the various
sections that constitute the cave. The stories are
better told by the native tour guides.
Rojenny Tourist Village
In Anambra State, just at the outskirts of Onitsha
market town is found Rojenny Village, one of the
leading tourist resorts in Nigeria. Among the
many attractions of the village are amusement
park, joy rides and sporting/relaxation facilities
African Artifactlgbo-Ukwu is an ancient town
which has remained an attraction to tourists
because of its bronze artifacts. The bronze which
was first noticed in 1938 was later excavated by
Thurstan Shaw, an English archaeologist.
The bronzes which date back to about the 9th
century are of high value because of their historic
Yankari National Park
Yankari National Park has become the most
developed Wildlife park in Nigeria with a lot of
attractions for visitors. The park is famous for its
variety of animals available for viewing round the
year, though the animals are better watched
between November and May period of the dry
season when the animals converge around the
Gaji River, Baboons, Waterbucks, Elephants,
Crocodiles, Bushbucks, Duikers, Warthogs,
Hippopotamus are among the anirnals commonly
seen at the park.
Wikki Warm Springs
Wikki Warm Springs is a famous attraction in the
Yankari National Park. It is particularly prized for
its warm water. It is available both night and day
for tourists who cherish swimming.
The National Park is located in the South-Eastern
area of Bauchi, the capital town of Bauchi State in
the North-Eastern part of Nigeria.
The Hills of Benue
Located in the middle belt region of Nigeria,
Benue State shares boundaries with Taraba State
on the East; Plateau State on the North and Edo
State on the West; and Anambra, Enugu, Cross
River States on the South. The entire landmass
presents hills of various shades and touristic
lkyogen Hills exude mild weather condition which
ensures steady green vegetation and a round-
the-year grazing of animals in the areas which is
also known as Ikyogen Cattle Ranch.
Ushogbo Hills in Ushogbo town also offers
clement weather condition that makes it most
fulfilling spot for tourists and adventures.
Bassa Hills, like the Ushogbo Hills, are worth
visiting especially for their satisfying scenery;
and Swern Hills are valued for their historical
linkages. The hills are believed to be the place for
origin of the Tiv people.
Lake Chad
LakeLake Chad occupies a strategic location
serving not only Borno State of Nigeria where it is
located but serving also the three neighbouring
countries of Niger, Cameroon, and Chad. The
lake, apart from serving the agricultural and
economic needs of the people, attracts a great
number of tourists. Of paramount interest to
tourists is the boating opportunity and visits to
the numerous fishing villages in the area.
Obudu Cattle Ranch
Obudu Cattle Ranch is located in Cross River
Slate towards the Nigeria-Cameroon border in
the South-East. The Ranch is over 1,524m, has
temperate weather condition to ensure green
vegetation and grazing of cattle round the year.
The Ranch is a tourist delight as a result of its
divergent attractions. There are a natural
swimming pool, horse riding, beautiful waterfall to
behold, gorilla camp, bird watching, sporting
facilities and accommodation.
Agbokim Waterfalls
Some short distance away from the Nigeria-
Cameroon border is the very captivating sight
called Agbokim Waterfalls. The Falls situated in
Cross River State lies less than 30km from Ikom
and is highly recommended for picnics. The falls
are pleasantly surrounded by green vegetation.
Sillicon Hill
Near the Nkpologu campus of the Enugu State
University of Science and Technology (ESUT) is
found this very important mineral deposit. The hill
which is more than 300 metres above sea level
and almost half a kilometre long has silica, an
important raw material fofthe manufacture of
glasses. The surrounding environment is very
captivating with hills, valleys and plaips
beautifully wrapped up such that one cannot
ignore it’s breath-taking views and awe-inspiring
Mbari Cultural Centres
The home of Mbari sculptural houses. These
sculptures are robust art manifestations of the
prevalent sociallifeand a monumental art
sacrifice to “ALA” the earth goodness. In Mbari,
Imo State there are very many objects like the
terrorising beast, the plastic forms of symbols of
the prevalent deities among which is the “ALA”
herself, the Amadioha (Thunder god), the
Ogwugwu (forest god) each deity with his or her
mystical messengers such as snakes, monkeys,
rams, tortoise and owl are properly represented.
A number of symbolic models were sculptured or
painted. These sculptures reflect the lgbo
aesthetics. The Mbari Cultural Centre is an open
air museum and found in Ikenegbu layout Owerri
and at Eke-Nguru in Aboh Mbaise.
Oguta Lake Holiday Complex
The holiday complex situates in Oguta local
government Area of Imo State about 40km (forty
kilometres) away from Owerri, the Capital of Imo
State. The lake is qf fresh water and the second
largest natural lake in thecountry after lake Chad.
To complement the complex water-based
recreation services, there are other interesting
attractions to watch.
These include:
(a) Golf Course with 18 standard international
(b) Relic of war (mini bunker) constructed by the
defunct Biafran Navy during Civic war.
(c) Natural confluence of Oguta Lake and Urashi
(d) Cruise boat services.
(e) Golf Club Bar House/Oguta Lake Motel for
refreshment, lodging and feeding.
(f) Mini-children recreation park
Birnin Kudu Rock Painting
Birnin Kudu town lies in the South of Jigawa
State. Birnin Kudu is noted for the presence of
rocks. Fascinating are the ancient paintings on
these rocks. The different paintings are eloquent
information on the styles of the early settlers in
the area.
NOK Village
A trip to the Nok Village in Kaduna State launches
visitors into physical romance with the so-much-
talked-about culture of the Nok people. The
cultures has been known for over 2,500 years.
The Nok culture is better appreciated appraising
the excavations made by the numerous scholars
and research.
Chief Nana’s Palace, Koko
Chief Nana Olomu was a powerful nineteenth
Century indigenousentrepreneur. As a reflection
of the grandeur of his achievements, he built this
mag nificent edifice at the turn of the
century.WaterfallIt houses his personal effects
and evidence of his contact with the Queen,
administrators andtradersof the British Empire.
Located at Koko in Warri -NorthLocal
GovernmentArea of Delta State, the Palace has
now become recognised and approved as
aNational Monument.
Bible She, Araya
A copy of the Holy Bible is believed to have
descended miraculously in Araya in Delta State
from heaven around August, 1914. The spot now
attracts Christian Pilgrims from all over the
country, especially during the Easter season.
Abraka River Resort, Abraka
Located in the quiet University Town of Abraka,
this Motel is ideal for those who want to escape
the noise and tension ofcity/urbanlife. Hence
guests can swim, boat, sport-fish\or simply bask
in the warm sun.on the exquisite sand-beach as
the glass- clear Ethiope River flows lazily by.
There are also lawntennis, squash rackets and
badminton courts as well as a children’s
Okonni Wildlife Sanctuary
The Okomu Wildlife Sanctuary, Benin City, Edo
State was the first in the country to be protected
by law for conservation in August 1985.old Kano
cityIt is jointly managed by the Edo State
Government and the Nigerian Conservation
Foundation, (NCF). The sanctuary contains rare
species like the white-throat- ed monkey. Also
present are the mona monkey, the putty nosed
quenon, the red-cangaby, chimpanzees,
elephants,bush-baby, the potto buffalo, red river
hog, duikers, horn bills, porcupines, etc.
TheOkomu Forest Reserve is the second largest
in the country after theOban Forests in Cross
River State.
Ososo Tourist Centre
Ososo town, on the boundary between Edo and
Kogi States, is hilly and rocky. It lies about 40
kilometres from Igarra and 200 kilometres from
Benin city in Edo State, The rocks and hills
present a beau tiful scenery. There is a non-
catering Rest House on top of a hill at Ososo,
which grants a wide view of parts of Kogi State to
as far as the Niger. From the Rest House can be
seen some distance away a crater take with
colourful fishes. An amusement park is being
developed as part of the resort which has tem-
perate weather for long periods in the year.
Ezeagu Tourist Complex
A half-hour drive from the burstling capital city of
Enugu State is the Ezeagu Tourist Complex. The
complex exhibits one of the natural wonders of
wonders of nature. Measuring about 22 hectares
in size, it comprises a lake, a cave and a
waterfall (spring water). Its splendour is
expressed by the almost 5 kilome tres long
Obinofia cave whose sheer size and
compartments is awe-striking.
The surrounding scape is a marriage of various
land forms with unique weather condition and
exo- tic vegetation. The cave has several tunnels
branching out in different directions. Some of the
tunnels are inter-connected, often opening up
into largechambers which are two to three high
and up to ten metres wide.