First of all, I congratulate you warmly for winning
the nomination of your party for the presidency of
Though you and I are different in ethnicity and
religion, we have many important things in common.
I am a few years older than you – which means
that if you and I had been Yoruba boys born in the
same Yoruba town or village, we would have
belonged to about the same age-grade Association
( with us Yoruba, age-grade loyalty is traditionally a
very important factor of life). Moreover, you and I
were young Nigerians in an era, the 1950s, when
our up-and coming country of Nigeria was a source
of great pride to its citizens, and an emerging titan
eagerly awaited by most informed people all over
the world.
The three regions of our federation (East, North and
West) were engaged in an ambitious rivalry for
progress and for improvements in the quality of life
of our people. They were able to do that and achieve
considerable successes because our constitutional
structure gave them much leeway to manage their
own affairs within the common Nigerian family. We
arrived at independence in 1960 believing that our
country was set on the path to becoming the
blackman’s world power of modern times.
Unhappily, now that you and I are in our seventies,
there is nothing left of our country’s ambitions and
pride – indeed, there is hardly anything left of our
country itself. Relentlessly crooked up, violated,
robbed and depleted since 1960, our Nigeria seems
now to be stumbling towards its demise.
As you prepare for your election, I decided to write
you this open letter concerning our country,
because I know you will understand the pain and
expectations behind my words. The purpose of
most of Nigeria’s rulers since 1960 has been to
weaken and even destroy regional and local
initiatives in order to gather all power, control and
influence together at the federal center. Their
success in doing that has enabled them to remove
the management of development far away from our
people, and to institute at the federal centre a
viciously corrupt, wasteful and incompetent
monstrosity. Reduced to the status of beggar clients
of the federal robber barons, the state
governments, as well as the local governments,
collapsed and fell in line as submissive
incompetents and mini-robbers.
In the process, real and productive enterprise
quickly declined among our people, as the best and
most ambitious rushed to join the ranks of the
sharers of fraudulently acquired wealth from the
public coffers. Our schools and universities, our
public service, our police force, our military, our
judiciary, all our governmental agencies (electoral
commission, secret service, central bank, ports
service, immigration service, public examination
bodies, etc) – all collapsed under the weight of
crooked control, massive corruption and
generalized disloyalty. Poverty descended mightily
into our country and became the lot of the
overwhelming and increasing majority of our people.
Our government itself admits that, today, about 70%
of our citizens live in “absolute poverty” and that
that percentage keeps increasing. With the growing
poverty have escalated horrific crimes, a culture of
dishonesty, a rush of our youths to Salafist
fundamentalist terrorism, and mass flights of the
educated to other lands – all of which are
compounding the poverty.
From your well-known record as a leader of our
country, I know that you are not only aware of these
things, but that, in common with many members of
our generation, you are seriously pained by them. I
confess that I was very angry with you during your
brief stint as military ruler, 1983-5. First, you
seemed to me to be power-drunk at the time—
because you made no distinction between the
corrupt who had been stealing and sharing public
money under Shagari and those who were known to
have been resisting the robbery. I belonged to the
frontline of senators who were well known to have,
on the floor of the Senate, resisted the mass
corruption, and yet your military government
detained me (and many like me), and I languished
for four months in prison without any accusation–
even without being asked any question by any
And then, you and Idiagbon expended most of your
obviously shining capabilities in pursuing nebulous
and amateurish programmes like WAI (War Against
Indiscipline), when what our country really needed
was (after you had fiercely shot down corruption as
you did) to massively divert our enormous oil
revenues into investments in the lives of our
people–through programmes for expansion and
diversification of education, modern job skills
development, entrepreneurial development, small
business development, promotion of modern
farming, policies for improving the quality and
reputation of our labour force and thereby attracting
investments and businesses into our country,
policies for promotion of exports, etc. Put a people
to work and persistently multiply the economic
opportunities available to them, and the attraction to
prosperity through competitive enterprise will
gradually suppress indiscipline in their land. Fanciful
programmes like WAI can have no lasting benefit or
future – as I hope you must know by now. That is
why the man who ousted you, Babangida, was able
quite easily to wipe out all the patriotic gains of your
Furthermore, I though t it was a pity that you did not
appear to recognize that the over-centralization that
was being given to our federation was the
foundation of our ills as a country. You were wrong
in thinking that punishing the corrupt leaders would
destroy corruption abidingly. What is needed is to
change the system into which corruption has been
built. In our country’s case, we needed (and we
need) to reduce the magnitude of our federal
government and empower our state and local
governments, which are nearer the people, to bear
most of the burden of development. Then we need
to give recognition and respect to our various
nationalities in structuring the federation – which
should mean that our larger nations would each
constitute a state, and contiguous groups of our
smaller nationalities would be assisted to form
states, just as the Indians sensibly and profitably
did in the 1960s.
By refusing to go that route, Nigeria has abysmally
depressed its nationalities. For instance, my Yoruba
nation came into Nigeria in 1914 as easily the
fastest modernizing nationality in Black Africa; and
we entered into independence with Nigeria in 1960
as the development front-liner and pace-setter in
Africa. Today, we are a battered, poor, and
disoriented nation, and most of our achievements
have been wrecked, thanks to our being part of a
Nigeria that destroys its peoples. Every other
Nigerian nationality has similar stories to tell. My
brother, I am, by nature and by upbringing, averse
to merely lamenting an evil development; I act to
change it. My potential urge, even as I write this, is
to exert myself with others like me towards pulling
my Yoruba nation out of Nigeria if Nigeria will not
change course – and that is something that we
Yoruba are perfectly capable to achieve if we are
pushed to start upon it. And the same is true of
some other persons and nations. In short, let’s not
ignore or minimize the danger of Nigeria’s
I know you have what it takes to change and save
Nigeria. I wish you luck in your election – and I
wish Nigeria luck.